

Posted by Graeme in at 12:04 pm on Wednesday, 25 January 2006

This site is my personal site but is one of several I run or develop for myself and others.

I have some work related blog posts on my company site so if you have an interest in software development (custom CRMs, custom CMSs and similar, financial as well as financial and numerical software) please have a look there.

Comments (6)


Comment by Paul Murphy at 4:03 pm on 24 April 2007 at

Found your blog by accident. Us journos need pulling up on a regular basis.

But just wanted to say — your money terms site has some very good, clear content. Appreciated!

Just point out i couldnt find a way of contacting you thru it.


Comment by Graeme at 2:31 pm on 26 April 2007 at

Thanks for the comment on Money Terms. It is especially encouraging coming from a journalist from the FT.

I have added an email address to the about page.

Comment by Interactive Investor Blog at 3:13 pm on 12 October 2007 at

[…] Graeme’s shared a spreadsheet showing how he calculates time-weighted performance. […]

Comment by Andrew at 12:58 pm on 16 April 2008 at

Your tax haven post was spot on.

Many moons ago, I worked for a tyre manufacturer with a good line in calendars (nuff said)

Due to the efficiency of the plant, their business was booming and they had a strong export record.

Enter Mrs T and exchange control relaxations: within 6 months, all sales were being factored through a bank in Lugano, who would invoice on at much higher prices. Margins were reduced to about 2% and in no time at all this previosuly thriving concern was making a significant loss, as a result of which myself and half the workforce were made redundant.

Greed is good!!

Comment by Monevator at 12:33 pm on 29 December 2008 at

Just found your blog – interesting to find a fellow UK investment blogger. Look forward to having a good peruse.

Comment by Charles Frith at 2:45 am on 1 December 2009 at

I can’t see your email Graeme! cefrith at

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