
Hodder CIE IGCSE Computer Science textbook corrections

Posted by Graeme in Education at 4:24 pm on Sunday, 30 August 2020

My (then home educated) daughter used the Hodder Computer Science text book for CIE IGCSEs last year. It was good but we found a number of mistakes. It is still a current textbook so I am noting down some corrections.


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The Geography of Covid

Posted by Graeme in Uncategorized at 2:47 pm on Sunday, 21 June 2020

I cannot explain this map, but the clear division in compelling. A few lines divide the world into high, medium and low covid death rate countries and there are few exceptions in the high and low death rate areas. (more…)

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Why we are never prepared for a crisis

Posted by Graeme in Uncategorized at 12:13 pm on Thursday, 16 April 2020

From 2005 Sri Lanka has been well prepared for a tsunami, unfortunately it was entirely unprepared in 2004. From 2021 onwards I have do doubt that the world will we well prepared to deal with a pandemic. We are always ready to fight the last war..


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Climate treaties cheat the environment.

Posted by Graeme in Economics,Politics at 11:06 am on Friday, 13 July 2018

Climate treaties suffer from a problem that is pervasive in our society. It is the same problem that is destroying British state schools, makes public sector out-sourcing fail, and cripples businesses. Once you set a numerical target, the metric becomes more important that what it measures. (more…)

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Not just a CO2 shortage – the economy is broken

Posted by Graeme in Business & Investment,Economics,Politics at 9:27 am on Thursday, 12 July 2018

Shortages happen. A shortage of a gas that is vital to the manufacture of everything from beer to pain killers may look like just another unfortunate occurrence, but it is really a product of the way a “neo-liberal” economy works: globalisation and centralisation. (more…)

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Django signals are evil

Posted by Graeme in Django,Software at 2:20 pm on Thursday, 12 October 2017

I was trying to figure out what a Django app was doing today. It turned out that the original developer had decided to monkey patch a third party app. I hardly need say that monkey patching is evil (i.e. a last resort), but one of the things I needed to check along the way was that there was no code being triggered by a (Django) signal, and the problems it causes are very similar to monkey patching. (more…)

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Trump’s immigration policy compared to the UK’s

Posted by Graeme in Politics at 12:27 pm on Sunday, 5 February 2017

There has been near universal condemnation of Trump’s immigration policies, but it seems to be that they simply do in one stroke what most European countries have done incrementally. The UK is a fairly typical European country in this respect so lets see how it compares. (more…)

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AirBNB hosts can block bad reviews – and my AirBNB horror story

Posted by Graeme in Internet at 11:42 am on Friday, 3 February 2017

If an AirBNB “host” needs to give a refund because the accommodation was terrible, they can block the bad review by cancelling instead of refunding. It does mean a 100% refund, but that is clearly preferable to bad reviews and AirBNB have confirmed that this is deliberate. (more…)

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What has the EU ever done for us?

Posted by Graeme in Economics,Politics at 10:15 am on Sunday, 5 June 2016

What has the EU ever done for us? Mostly, a lot of harm.

Consistently favoured corporate interests over public interests

The EU is far more insulated from public pressure than national governments but even more prone to listening to corporate lobbyists. It is not transparent enough about lobbying for us to even know what the real expenditure is, but we know it a lot.
The greatest single case of this is in the supposedly free trade, but really corporate welfare, TTIP treaty which the EU is pushing hard, despite widespread public opposition. Who wants the treaty? Corporate lobbyists. It also binds countries permanently to particular policies, undermining democracy.


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Taylor Swift on Apple Music – translated

Posted by Graeme in Business & Investment,Economics,Media at 5:41 am on Monday, 22 June 2015

As Taylor Swift seems to have difficult saying what she means, so I thought I would provide a plain English translation of what she has to say about Apple Music. (more…)

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