
Taylor Swift on Apple Music – translated

Posted by Graeme in Business & Investment,Economics,Media at 5:41 am on Monday, 22 June 2015

As Taylor Swift seems to have difficult saying what she means, so I thought I would provide a plain English translation of what she has to say about Apple Music. (more…)

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The real purpose of DRM

Posted by Graeme in Business & Investment,Economics,Media,Software,Uncategorized at 1:45 pm on Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Ian Hickson, maintainer of the HTML5 specification, argues that the real purpose of DRM is to give content providers leverage over device manufacturers. Although this is true for some applications of DRM, in many cases the purpose is to lock customers to particular devices and services, and to raise barriers to entry against new devices and services. (more…)

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Alcohol deaths public health and fuzzy thinking

Posted by Graeme in Health,Politics,Wrong at 11:38 am on Wednesday, 22 February 2012

This article arguing (yet again) for the government to introduce minimum prices and other strict controls on alcohol consumption. As usual, it contains fallacies, fails to provide important information, and is generally rather vague.


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Free, media experiment – final week

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 2:57 am on Thursday, 18 August 2011

The last week of my experiment in consuming only free media for a month came to an end yesterday. It has been a huge success as far as books are concerned, and reasonable with regard to video. Music was harder to find (apart from classical). (more…)

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The build a platform and squeeze business model

Posted by Graeme in Books,Internet,Media,Software at 10:16 am on Thursday, 11 August 2011

A business model that excludes competition, reduces consumer choice, and creates monopolies is the anti-thesis for free markets, but this is exactly what threatens both software and the distribution of media (ebooks, video, and music) over the internet, and much more. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 22 to 25

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 8:49 am on Thursday, 11 August 2011

Less than a week to go, and I broke my rules for the first time. A tweet with a link to an extremely funny Catherine Tate video on Youtube was too much for me, but, other than that, things continue to go well. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 18 to 22

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 3:16 am on Monday, 8 August 2011

Longer than I realised since the last post. I have not done a lot of reading, nor watched much video, but I have realised, once again, that there is more out there than I thought, especially in terms of films. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 10 to 13

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 3:33 am on Saturday, 30 July 2011

A long hiatus because a lot of distractions prevented me from reading very much, and watching any films at all. It still goes well, just a bit slowly. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 8 and 9

Posted by Graeme in Books,Economics,Media at 1:56 am on Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Another uneventful days as far as the books go, but music is going better than I expected. (more…)

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Free books and media – day 7

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 6:41 am on Sunday, 24 July 2011

A full week gone, and things are going well. I am still reading SF, and found more films/video worth watching. (more…)

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