WordPress theme: Dent

This is a simple theme based on earth colours. Dent theme screenshotIt is named Dent because it is it is more Human than Beeblebrox. I know its a bad joke, but at least it gave me a snappy name. Although I started wanting to do a theme with the search bar at the top left and the title at the top right (i.e. like Beeblebrox) but in the colours used for Human. In fact my theme is not all that similar to Beeblebrox (apart from the position of the search box), and the colours are actually adjusted from a palette taken from Turner’s The Fighting Temeraire.

You can download it from here

2 thoughts on “WordPress theme: Dent

  1. I have added the missing download link.

    Now I’ll just go and find a handy wall to bang some sense into my head against.

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