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WordPress theme: Red Drop

Posted by Graeme in Wordpress at 11:30 am on Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Red Drop is a red (surprisingly!) WordPress theme with drop down menus.

Red Drop screenshotThe screen space saved by using drop downs is used to provide a right navigation bar that varies with the page being viewed. For example when viewing a post the left nav bar shows the (titles only) of recent posts in the same category (or categories).

It is slicker than my previous themes. Doing themes is definitely fun and I will be doing more when I have the time.

You can select this theme (and my other themes) from the theme switcher drop down.

You can download Red Drop from here.

Comments (2)


Comment by Tanner at 4:02 pm on 15 February 2006 at

I like what you’re doing with the colors. The stark simplicity is cool too. Came looking for sparklines and found this, still need to find an application to use your plugin for sparklines though.

Comment by Dwight at 2:44 pm on 3 December 2006 at

I like very much. However there seems to be a spot between the bottom of the menu bar and the top of the drop-down menu where if a mouse position is recorded the drop-down disappears. It is very annoying since you have to quickly jerk over it or you don’t get to select from the drop-down and have to go back up to the menubar to get the drop-down to reappear. (NOTE: I’m viewing the theme with IE 6.0.2800.1106)

What is the cause of this gap? Do you know how to or have any suggestions to go about fixing this glitch?

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