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Trying Python IDEs

Posted by Graeme in Software at 10:34 am on Monday, 20 April 2015

I have been using Geany for a while, because it is lightweight and has a nice UI, and it will be my baseline for this comparison, but it lacks some features I would like to have. The most important is good auto-completion, but refactoring support would be nice and real time linting even nicer. So, I made myself a list of IDEs (and extensible editors) that met my criteria.

One note on open source vs proprietary and free vs paid. I prefer open source all things being equal, but if the proprietary product is better I will use it. This is particular true of development tools where all the data is text files so there is no real danger of vendor lock-in.

I am prepared to pay if it will improve my productivity.

What I knew before I started:

As I said, I have used Geany a lot, and I like it a lot: it is fast, lightweight, has reasonable syntax checking, has (not terribly effective) auto-completion, a very nice UI, and some very useful plugins. It also does a reasonable job of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I have it set up so it runs flake8 as a “build” command. The biggest shortcoming is the auto-completion, and I like it enough that I considered writing a better Python auto-complete plugin myself, and I may still do that.

I have also used Komdo Edit a fair bit, with some addons it makes a reasonable light IDE. It also has a UI I like, and it has good syntax checking and auto-completion for Python HTML, Django templates, XML, Javascript, CSS and supports a good many other languages (from what I hear, many equally well). I have not tried Komodo IDE before, but it is a full version of Komodo Edit, so it is familiar, just with a whole lot of extra features. I want to like Komodo IDE as I like Komodo Edit

I have tried Pycharm and do not feel comfortable with it. Just do not like the UI. It is a purely personal preference, but its not for me. The same goes for Eclipse, though maybe for Liclipse.

I know Vim with a bunch of plugins can be very powerful and productive. Like Komodo it supports a lot of languages (far more, in fact).

I have also use Ninja-IDE before. I like the UI, it has erratically good completion, but a lot of code checking – not just linting, but Python 3 compatibility as well. It has one huge flaw: it fails to detect and warn of files changes on disk.

The shortlist

I looked for IDEs that have the features that are missing from Geany, are reasonably popular, are able to handle multiple projects in different virtualenvs, are maintained, and run on Linux. This left me with:

Eclipse and Pycharm omitted because I dislike them. I would also like to try Liclipse (although I dislike Eclipse, Liclipse is supposed to be significantly different from Eclipse + PyDev). Editra omitted because I cannot get Python auto-completion to work.

I may also try Leo.

First impressions

Komodo IDE has all the strengths of Komodo Edit, but does not add a lot other than a better source tree and refactoring support. The refactoring in both Komodo and Wing IDE only seems to rename classes in the current file, which makes it fairly useless. I may be wrong and I will try to fix this problem: I know from past experience that things like this are sensitive to correct configuration. Ninja’s “find usages” seems to work better for me at the moment, although it does appear to only do a simple strong search.

Komodo and Ninja still have the best UIs, and I am comfortable with them as with Geany.

Ninja has lots of plugins, as does Komodo, but most Komodo plugins (sorry, “addons” as it follows Mozilla definitions as it uses the same platform) are yet to be updated to work with Komodo 9, and Ninja’s are only very briefly described or documented so they need to be installed to see what they really do.

I am also disappointed that a new stable version has not been released for 20 months, and this means a lot of important fixes (warning about changed files, for example!) are only in the “daily” version.

At the moment, I think that if I was using other languages it supported I would go for Komodo, but given that almost all my work is Python, I can afford Ninja is better. I will probably continue to use Komodo Edit for XML and Javascript, but that is really just light use.

My first impression of Eric is not good, but it may just be different.

The two most important things to do next are:

  1. putting in some effort into checking the Vim configuration is optimal, and spending enough time with it to learn at least the important short-cuts, and,
  2. checking Komodo and Wing project configuration is correct,
  3. trying Eric properly, and,
  4. installing Leo.

Part 2: Ninja and Komodo

Comments (3)


Comment by Python IDEs part two: Ninja and Komodo at 5:01 pm on 23 April 2015 at

[…] my review of a number of Python IDEs, I am starting with two IDEs I already know I like: Komodo and Ninja. As I said in the first post […]

Comment by List of Django IDEs at 6:54 am on 24 April 2015 at

[…] This is now old, and I have a more detailed review of Python IDEs. […]

Comment by Python IDEs part 3: Eric and Wing at 1:01 pm on 27 April 2015 at

[…] looking at Python IDEs, I have been trying Eric and Wing IDE. Both primarily Python IDEs (although Eric also supports […]

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