
Tuition madness: are schools useless?

Posted by Graeme in Education,parenting at 11:09 am on Saturday, 24 February 2024

I got a spam phone call from a tuition seller, but it is a worrying symptom of the rise of tuition in the UK. He asked whether I had children at school, to which I truthfully, albeit misleadingly, answered “no” because I do not choose to send my daughter to school. (more…)

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Schools are failing, and flexible education is the answer

Posted by Graeme in Education,parenting at 11:40 am on Thursday, 3 August 2023

Schools have been deteriorating for many years, and lockdown hastened the crisis this caused – but the deterioration dates back many years, and the underlying cause is the stubborn focus on a Victorian model of education and the addiction to metrics. The solution lies in empowering pupils and parents. (more…)

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Educating Lucy: Maths

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 9:05 am on Saturday, 14 November 2009

As I have said before, I do not like the way in which schools teach maths, so what do I do instead? Do stuff that is fun, that encourages the underlying skills rather than focusing on arithmetic. (more…)

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Why teach toddlers to read?

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 3:34 pm on Tuesday, 10 November 2009

As promised in my post on how we taught my daughter to read, here is why I think children should be taught to read as young as possible. There are three good reasons, and the first one is more than enough. (more…)

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Educating Lucy: learning to read

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 10:40 am on Sunday, 8 November 2009

I strongly believe in teaching children to read young, and our experience with Lucy so far has been confirmed that belief. We largely used the methods my mother used, because I knew they had worked for me and my sisters. (more…)

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Schools teach maths the wrong way

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 5:42 am on Wednesday, 28 October 2009

The idea that what should be a beautiful and fun subject is being destroyed by schools is not mine: a mathematician has expressed it much better. Personal experience seems to confirm it. (more…)

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Teachers against learning

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 1:41 pm on Wednesday, 10 December 2008

I have always had doubts about how well IT is, or even can, be taught in schools. It seems to reach its very worst in the case of a teacher who confiscated a pupil’s property to prevent them learning about a technology the teacher seems to have some sort of ignorant grudge against.

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Lies we tell children

Posted by Graeme in parenting at 9:42 am on Wednesday, 14 May 2008

After having a go at Paul Graham yesterday for writing outside is area of (considerable) expertise, I am eating my words a little by responding to just such an essay by him. It is true that many people do lie to children. This is what I think we should do.


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Don’t eat killer fruit!

Posted by Graeme in parenting,Politics at 4:53 am on Thursday, 12 July 2007

One of the reasons given by The Guardian for the failure of a scheme to encourage children to eat more fruit, is that schools are reluctant to give children fruit with stones because they might choke. What is even more amazing is that the journalist writing it could let this idiocy, and the disturbing reasons for it, pass with absolutely no comment. (more…)

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