
God, suffering and science fiction

Posted by Graeme in Books,Religion at 6:50 am on Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The old, and much debated, question of why a benevolent and omnipotent God would allow suffering has many answers, but there is a more intuitive grasp of one answer to be found in works of fiction (at least one by an atheist). (more…)

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Free, media experiment – final week

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 2:57 am on Thursday, 18 August 2011

The last week of my experiment in consuming only free media for a month came to an end yesterday. It has been a huge success as far as books are concerned, and reasonable with regard to video. Music was harder to find (apart from classical). (more…)

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The build a platform and squeeze business model

Posted by Graeme in Books,Internet,Media,Software at 10:16 am on Thursday, 11 August 2011

A business model that excludes competition, reduces consumer choice, and creates monopolies is the anti-thesis for free markets, but this is exactly what threatens both software and the distribution of media (ebooks, video, and music) over the internet, and much more. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 22 to 25

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 8:49 am on Thursday, 11 August 2011

Less than a week to go, and I broke my rules for the first time. A tweet with a link to an extremely funny Catherine Tate video on Youtube was too much for me, but, other than that, things continue to go well. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 18 to 22

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 3:16 am on Monday, 8 August 2011

Longer than I realised since the last post. I have not done a lot of reading, nor watched much video, but I have realised, once again, that there is more out there than I thought, especially in terms of films. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 14 to 17

Posted by Graeme in Books at 2:27 am on Wednesday, 3 August 2011

More than half way through and I have had no difficulty sticking to the rules, except with regard to music, and I have resisted temptation there — although I may have not-so-accidentally heard quite a lot of non-free music put on by other people. Video is not that important to me, and the free books have actually been better than what I would otherwise have read. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 10 to 13

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 3:33 am on Saturday, 30 July 2011

A long hiatus because a lot of distractions prevented me from reading very much, and watching any films at all. It still goes well, just a bit slowly. (more…)

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Free books and media – days 8 and 9

Posted by Graeme in Books,Economics,Media at 1:56 am on Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Another uneventful days as far as the books go, but music is going better than I expected. (more…)

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Free books and media – day 7

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 6:41 am on Sunday, 24 July 2011

A full week gone, and things are going well. I am still reading SF, and found more films/video worth watching. (more…)

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Free books and media – day 6

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 9:08 am on Saturday, 23 July 2011

An uneventful day. No video and just one book finished. (more…)

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