New Moneyterms site

I have moved Moneyterms to new hosting and to the wonderful Modx platform. The time spent developing the new site was minimal, but I also replaced all the automatically generated “related page” links with manually chosen lists, which was a lot of very tedious work. It should improve site navigation.

I also removed the “Guides” section, as it was simply not good enough. It will reappear with rewritten material.

Now that is behind me I have started adding new entries again, starting with style index, discount rate, long term PE, market neutral and synthetic security.

Web metrics are insane

To be precise, trying to find a single set of metrics to compare the audience of different types of websites it insane. That is why Nielson/Netrating’s decision to measure time spent on websites, rather than page views, does not really matter much. Those looking for a single measure across all websites are reducing a mistake of the dotcom boom. Continue reading