
Free media only – days 4 and 5

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 11:29 am on Friday, 22 July 2011

Not much happened, just more good books, a burst of SF and fantasy, and a surprisingly good comedy film. (more…)

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Free media experiment – day 3

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 2:03 pm on Wednesday, 20 July 2011

More great reading and some interesting discoveries on video (although I did not actually watch anything on any length) yesterday. (more…)

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Free media experiment – day 2

Posted by Graeme in Books,Media at 6:00 am on Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The second day of my experiment in reading, watching and listening only to free stuff went fairly well. I discovered one author I had not appreciated, and watched another OK video. (more…)

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Free ebooks and video, first day

Posted by Graeme in Books,Economics,Media at 8:50 am on Monday, 18 July 2011

Yesterday was my first full day of consuming only free media, Its a day and a half since I started. So how is it going? (more…)

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A month of only free content

Posted by Graeme in Books,Economics,Media at 11:59 am on Saturday, 16 July 2011

For the next month (i.e. from 16th July 2011 to 15th August 2011) I will only read/watch/listen to legally free media (audio, video, books, whatever). The biggest changes will be reading only free ebooks (something I have been doing a lot of lately, anyway) and listening only to free music. (more…)

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I bought my first e-book

Posted by Graeme in Books,Economics at 7:36 pm on Wednesday, 2 September 2009

It is not the first e-book I have read (no by a long way), but it is the first I have bought. It is (of course) DRM free. It is also a book (actually two books ) I would never have bought if the previous books in the series had not been free downloads. (more…)

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America vs the world

Posted by Graeme in Books,Politics at 11:13 am on Monday, 21 January 2008

Listening to a funny and relentless condemnation of the American Imperium and its current government from [book]Gore Vidal[/book], I felt rather sorry for the American ambassador who was in the audience. It was clear the feelings of the audience were very much with Gore Vidal, and very much against everything it is the ambassador’s job to push. (more…)

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Psst! Want to buy an illegal book?

Posted by Graeme in Books at 2:57 pm on Thursday, 17 January 2008

Would you like to buy a book that breaks British Law? Whose authors could go to jail? The printed version has sold out, but you can still buy a PDF copy of Glorifying Terrorism, a collection of science fiction short stories. There are reviews at David Langford’s Ansible Link and The Guardian.

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